Welcome to Pakistan Girl Guides Association
Guides are always prepared to cope up with any situation.

Be Prepared! Be A Girl Guide!
Our Mission
Our Vision
We are a National Movement of empowered girls and young women working as the agents of change to build a better world.

Educational Programs

Junior Guides 6 to 11 years
Motto: “Lend a Hand”
A wide variety of fun oriented activities are offered to make the Junior Guides more alert, observant and interested in everything around them. They learn to take decisions, care about others and respect nature.
Girl Guides 11 to 16 Years
Motto: “Be prepared”
Girl Guides participate in various activities focusing on knowledge & skills development that help them to become self-reliant and self-disciplined. They share their knowledge and experience with their peers and families.
Senior Guides 16 to 21 Years
Motto: “Render Service”
Senior Guides through their program enhance their leadership skills and develop a sense of responsibility in their educational institutions as well as wider communities as they are the “agents of change”.
Adult Volunteers
Your potential
Make friends worldwide
Take Action
Bring a change for better